  1. Tempest

From the recording Tempest

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The snow came down round October the Eighth
The Seven that had come before had done someone’s he-ad in
I thought to go looking for the National Muse Asleep in her cradle like a millionaire

I’d been up in circles talking the night before
with a man I’d met and I was drying my coat from
his metaphysical moonshine
I was looking for the earliest lyric in the English language
in the 13th century but I got caught

In the Battle of Otterburn in the year of
The bullet that captured my heart it bruised
I tried to tell it of my trials
But the mercy it granted me was blind so here I stand
Now my hair is long and my hand is cold
Standing with a stone-eyed boy at the side of King’s road
He was born against the Renaissance and he calls me Angel
But his teeth are black as night and just conceal

When he asked me the roses in my brain

in exchange for his white lilies from the bottom of the
Adriatic Sea
I refused so he drank the silver from my heart
And now I am set free to catch the sky